
Zoho highlights four areas AI drives revenue for businesses


By Stellamaris Ashinze

Zoho Nigeria  on Friday highlighted four areas of businesses in which Artificial Intelligence (AI) could help drive revenue, as it had been predicted to be a major contributor to global economy by 2030.

The Country Manager, Zoho Nigeria, Mr Kehinde Ogundare, told newsmen in Lagos that according to the United Nations, artificial intelligence had the potential to contribute up to $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030.

He said that of the $15.7 trillion, $1.2 trillion could be generated by Africa with the potential to unlock significant growth and development in key industries across the continent.

Ogundare stressed that AI was fundamentally changing how businesses operated, driving innovation, improving efficiencies and transforming lives.

“Businesses of all sizes that have already invested in AI are reaping its benefits from increasing business productivity and agility to improving customer experience and decisionmaking with McKinsey.

“AI leaders are outperforming their industry peers by a factor of 3.4, but if businesses are to make the most of the opportunities offered by AI it is also important that it be deployed in the areas where it will have the greatest impact,’” he said.

Ogundare said that AI could drive revenue in the area of finance and billing, adding that having an accurate, up-to-date overview of finances could help an organisation know when to invest in growth among other benefits.

He noted that another key area was new business leads, adding that more specifically, AI could help assess the calibre of leads that the sales team was bringing in.

The country manager said that AI could help drive revenue in terms of enhanced employee productivity, adding that there was a strong correlation between employee productivity and revenue.

He also said that AI could help with better target audiences among other  areas.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Zoho Corporation is a  multinational technology company that makes computer software and web-based business tools. (NAN)