
Journalists tasked on digital trends

Journalists in the country have been warned to ignore the haste with which the media is converging whereby stories are not properly investigated before being published.

Vice chairman of Daily Trust Foundation, Alhaji Ishaq Ajibola gave the warning Monday during the opening session of Digital Journalism training by Press Association, London and funded by MacArtur Foundation.

He said digital journalism sneaked into the media space, “Like a thief in the night” but has now occupied the centre stage of the business, where there is almost no time to keep up with news, unlike in the “pre internet age where newspapers were read with a cup of coffee by the side of the living room”.

“We are overwhelmed with news, fake and genuine, most of them unsolicited. We call it the era of the social media. Modern journalism has to be multimedia. Those who do not float in this wind will soon be out of the business” he warned.

“We must use multimedia techniques to engage in investigative reporting. We have seen it happen in developed societies. If we have good digital reporting to complement the print edition, Daily Trust will become a better and greater brand.” he said.

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