
Advertisers storm Lagos for OAAN Poster Awards 2016

Stakeholders in the advertising industry will today, Thursday converge at the Eko Hotels, Victoria Island in Lagos, for the 2016 edition of the poster Awards organised by the Outdoor Advertising Agencies of Nigeria (OAAN).

The event is aimed at rewarding excellence in the industry. Publicity Secretary of OAAN, Obi Nnaobi disclosed that more than 65 entries were received and will contest for honours at the awards.

Nnaobi said that the amount of entries “shows that the awards is resonating with the whole marketing community in Nigeria and has become credible reference point of excellence in the industry.”

The award will feature 12 awards categories among which are: Dairy, Food and Beverages, Alcoholic drinks, Non Alcoholic drinks and Telecoms  with Grand Poster Award going to the best creative work.

Organisers of the event said that the Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed and advertising Czar and Chairman, Troyka Holdings, Biodun Shobanjo have confirmed participation in the Awards ceremony.

Biodun Shobanjo is expected to deliver a keynote address themed: ‘Indices of a vibrant economy- outdoor advertising as a catalyst for growth’.


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